Cherie Fresonke


Word Weaver Transforming Lives

Expect to be Changed

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The Healing Table

The Healing Table


Guest Blog Post

Who would have thought that the seven of us would be sitting in the same kitchen, at the very same table, where her husband broke her heart? Seven months exactly, almost to the date that we started the Go in Peace Bible study, she found out that he was leaving her for another woman.

Yet, what the enemy sought out for evil the Lord used for good! Every Tuesday for eleven weeks we came to the table, and we left everything there. Nothing was held back, nothing was a secret. It was a safe place to pour out our hearts hoping and knowing God could do a work.

So let’s talk about the table for a moment. It was about the fourth week when we named this simple wood dining room table “the Healing Table.” As one of the ladies was praying, something prompted me to write on the top of my paper that exact name. Moments later as my sister was praying she said, “As we sit here at this table of healing…” How I wish I remembered the rest of her prayer but I can’t. It was just one of those God moments.

I almost feel that we should have burnt the table with our letters. You see, the table had seen eleven weeks of weeping, praying, laughing, pain, rejoicing, battling, transparency and healing. My friend wanted to get rid of that old table, but after we named it, we told her that we would slay her if she ever tried.

I have NEVER in my life experienced the super natural healing, miracles and God’s crazy peace in the midst of such a heavy deep cleansing of the heart. I wish it was all pretty, but to be totally honest, it was a whole lot more ugly.

Our group experienced tremendous battles spiritually, as well as a lot of “detoxing” issues from our flesh. Working on the stuff that has been stuffed deep in our hearts for years. There were many Tuesdays that some of us fought to even make it to the table.

Some such Tuesdays when the weeping and the hurt were so great all we could do was weep with each other. The middle of the table looked like a battleground covered with boogie-drenched tissues, candy wrappers and comfort food carnage. There were some Tuesdays, when someone would confess something so painful, shameful or regretful and yet instead of judging or being shocked, the others would meet the hurting one with tears and words of encouragement.

I believed we experienced “true” fellowship. The way God intends it to be. We grew so close because we came to the table transparent with our hopes and hurts knowing that what happened at the table stayed at the table. Our leader was God appointed. She led us with grace fueled by the Holy Spirit, which made us feel comfortable. She cried with us, kept us accountable, and reminded us to rejoice in even the smallest victory.

Because we have this sacred trust about what was shared at the table stays at the table, I can only share my story. I struggled with anxiety and panic attacks in my past. In fact, just the DAY before we started Go in Peace, I experienced my first attack in MANY years. Eleven weeks later I’m still working out the ugly, BUT I have never experienced God’s presence and overwhelming peace in my life before.

The Friday night before our last Go in Peace meeting we had a worship and prayer night. We invited a group of about 20 ladies. It wasn’t planned but before any of the new ladies got there the seven of us all showed up early. There we stood in the middle of the kitchen, linking arms, praying for what God had in store for us that night. I am sure if I would have glanced over at the table it would have been smiling.

Words cannot even begin to do justice to the magnitude of the Holy Spirit and the interceding that happen that night. Because, of Go in Peace and the truths God taught us through that curriculum it allowed us to be transparent, vulnerable and real as we shared with the group the hope we have in Jesus.

I believe a life was spared from suicide that night. I believe some of us were healed that night. And I believe that some of us left knowing that we no longer need to carry the guilt or shame of a past sin that was committed against us.

I know that I will be going through the Go in Peace Curriculum many times before I finally make it to my final destination. The tools and the practical application I have learned have made such a tremendous impact in my life. I want to shout it from the rooftops. I already see some of the ladies from our group leading other groups and I am praying for that as well!

I will cherish the time at the table, and if the table could talk I know it would say, “Well done good and faithful daughters, take what you have learned and go in peace!”

Words from Cherie:

When I received this in an email it so touched my heart. I was actually going through a day wondering if my ministry was all in vain. Yes, I have those moments. After all, I’m human. I pray that this blog touched your heart like it did mine. And if you would like to learn more about what the guest writer is talking about click here to learn more.

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