
About Cherie Fresonke
Cherie is much like you. She has many different titles. She is a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a friend, a ministry leader, a missionary, and a disciple.
But the best of who she is, is found only in Christ. She is loved by God, created in Christ Jesus, and complete in Him. She is His workmanship and created in His image. She is forgiven, saved and more than a conqueror! She is His ambassador and called to bear fruit.
Because of who she is in Christ and what He has done in her life she is called to ministry. It’s easy for her to share her testimony and talk about what God has done in her life. But to talk about what He has done through her life is something very difficult to do. For this reason, she’ll let someone else tell you about her ministry—because it’s all about Him, the One and Only, the King of Kings!
“To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.” (I Peter 4:11 ESV)

“Cherie is a missionary in the truest sense of the word. Her life is about helping the hurting, spreading the Gospel and being Jesus’ hands and feet. She ministers here in this country to hurting women and teens and then she travels thousands of miles to a foreign country, Bulgaria, to do the same.
Cherie is an inspiration to listen to and when you read any of her books. It’s clear that she has a listening heart, whether that is for the women and teens she counsels or to the Holy Spirit who guides her. And it’s obvious that for all of her work and ministry she wants the glory to go to God, she is merely the vessel He uses here at this time.
Her work sets people free and inspires all of us to try to have the same obedient heart for ministry. You can read her bio below.”

About Cherie’s Ministry
In 1988, Cherie rededicated her life to the Lord, and soon after, God began performing His gentle surgery deep within her heart to heal her of her deep heart hurts. After leading her through a process of recovery, God began impressing on her that she needed to help others with similar hurts and show them how to apply His Word to their lives.
In 1993, she co-founded Strong-ARM (Abortion Recovery Ministry) to help women heal from issues of abortion and teaching purity seminars to help teens make wiser choices. When many women began to attend her workshops for issues other than abortion, she changed the name to the Truth and Hope Ministry to better encompass the scope of the work.
About Cherie’s Books
In 1999, Cherie wrote her first book titled Go in Peace! to help women deal with post-abortion issues. When she was unable to find a curriculum for her workshop that was 100 percent biblically-based, she began writing the Go in Peace Biblical Discipleship Curriculum. This curriculum was written for individuals attending her seminars who were suffering from any deep heart hurt issues—such as rejection, rape, abortion and abuse, to name just a few. Before long other books followed.
Soon she began training others in how to minister to those who are hurting. (In fact, you are welcome to invite her to come to train your ministry leaders. It is one of her favorite things to do.) Many would say to her that they didn’t know how to minister to the teenagers like she did so she wrote Go in Peace for Teens, which was published in 2009.
After working with women through her Go in Peace Weekends (check out her calendar to see if she has one coming up which you could attend) she began to see that there were two other issues that the women weren’t fully grasping or applying to their lives which had a detrimental impact upon their walk with God. This was the inspiration for Clothed in Righteousness, which was released in 2012.

About Cherie’s Missionary Work
At the same time her ministry work began in the States (in 1993) she began to travel on short-term missionary trips. In the year 2000 her family moved to Sofia, Bulgaria as missionaries. Shortly thereafter, in 2001, Cherie and her husband, Keith, opened the non-profit Truth and Hope Foundation in Sofia, Bulgaria, to help women and teens heal from their deep heart hurts. The doors that the Lord opened in this country to them are absolutely amazing.
Although they currently live stateside, they visit Bulgaria at least twice a year. When in Bulgaria they teach retreats and seminars across the country, while their staff continues the weekly Bible studies and individual discipleship in their absence. It is their desire to live in both countries and some day, Lord willing, have a small retreat center. Although there are many ministries of this type in the States, there is nothing like this in Bulgaria. This is why Keith and Cherie have such a heart to help the hurting in Bulgaria. As well as, to train up their leaders so that they can minister to their own hurting people. If you feel so led by the Lord, you too can be a part of this work by donating HERE.
About Cherie’s Discipleship Career
Cherie has been discipling women and teenagers since 1993. She first discipled at Calvary Chapel Temecula Valley from 1993 until she moved to Bulgaria as a missionary in 2000. In 2006, she joined the staff of Calvary Chapel Murrieta, where she was the overseer and trainer of the women’s biblical counseling ministry until April of 2013. In 2012 she also began working at Calvary Chapel of the Harbour where she currently is the overseer of the women’s discipleship ministry.
Today, in addition to writing, Cherie loves to travel and teach God’s Word and can often be found teaching various topics at women’s retreats and teen’s seminars. It doesn’t matter how large or small your church is or how big or little the budget for your event is, Cherie loves to take the time to seek God with her teaching schedule. Freely she has received from the Lord and freely she desires to give back to Him in this manner (see Matthew 10:8). For this reason, if you are being led by the Lord to see if she is available for your event please invite her to speak.

About Cherie’s Business Career
In 2008 Keith and Cherie started Sunflower Press. The purpose of Sunflower Press is two-fold. First and foremost is to make disciples. God’s Word says: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19).
The second purpose of Sunflower Press is to scatter the seed of God’s Word into the harvest field. Although it is Keith and Cherie’s desire to do this work, it is quite expensive to fund this work.
Therefore, they desire to be like the apostle Paul. He received the support he needed to do God’s work through two means. He received financial gifts from individuals and churches who desired to be a part of God’s work and he worked a trade. Paul was a tent-maker.
Unfortunately, Keith is unable to work in the construction industry within Eastern Europe. However, as you know, God has given Cherie the gift of teaching, which besides using this gift at Bible studies, seminars, and retreats she uses her gift by writing books and curriculums.
In view of their desire to serve the Lord, they felt led to establish Sunflower Press as their “tent-making” business to help sow God’s seed among the nations and to help finance the work of the great commission.
For this reason, they are truly blessed by the sale of each book because it helps further their missionary work. Each sale enables them to continue to serve the Lord wherever He sends them and each sale helps fund The Truth and Hope Foundation in Sofia, Bulgaria because the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few (Luke 10:2).
About Cherie’s Personal Life
On a more personal side, in her spare time, Cherie loves to garden, cook and read a good book. Cherie and Keith have two daughters, who are both married to godly young men. Both of these young men asked to date and marry their daughters. Yes, it still can happen in today’s culture! As means of encouragement for teens she loves to share these stories—true love stories that there is a better way, in fact the best way, because it is God’s way. They also have, much to their joy, a growing number of grandchildren.