Cherie’s Speaking

Do You Want to Learn More?

What better way to learn then at a seminar or retreat. If you are interested in inviting Cherie to share God’s Word with your ladies or teens then you’ve come to the right place.

Speaker Flyer

Although her favorite request is to be given a theme and a verse for your upcoming event (so she can sit at the Lord’s feet to see what He desires for her to share with your gathering) she also has some suggestions on this page for possible topics, as well as, actual messages that you can listen to.

One of Cherie’s greatest desires is to see others become all that God created them to be. That includes you and the attendees at your event. Cherie’s life’s calling is to share God’s truth in a tangible, life-changing way spoken in love.

Cherie Fresonke

Many times Cherie does this by opening up her heart and sharing from her own life in how God met her in the midst of her daily struggles and triumphs. The reason she shares in this manner is because God’s Word, which was written thousands of years ago, really is alive and living today.

It is her desire that those in attendance would grasp hold of His truth for themselves and learn how to take His actual Word and apply it to their lives. Application is everything. This is what’s life-changing.

This is why Cherie loves to teach. In fact, it’s her favorite gift from God. She loves to watch lives transformed. So feel free to browse around this page and take a peek at a few messages. 

Scroll down to the message titled “Go in Peace in a Nutshell” found under Go in Peace Leadership Training. This is a short message (17 minutes) that Cherie recorded while prepping for the Jesus People Campout.

What to hear Cherie’s 3-minute testimony (found within the first 3 minutes of the fun interview that was recorded live as an opener one Friday night at a women’s retreat in California). 

May God touch your life as deeply. Enjoy!


Women’s Retreats, Seminars, or Luncheons


The Storms of Life!

Women’s seminar focusing on seeing God through the storms of life. 

Theme verse: Proverbs 10:25

Clothed in Righteousness!


Women’s retreat or seminar focusing on our identity in Christ. This retreat teaches the woman how to make decisions based upon who she is in Christ and not based on feelings. Feelings are fickle and they will lead a person astray. This message was given at Life and Light Christian Fellowship Women’s Retreat.

Theme verse: Ephesians 4:24

Sorry the links for this retreat are broken. We will get them fixed soon. But scroll on down for other teachings. 

  • Session 1 Coming Soon—Clothed in Fine Linen
  • Session 2 Coming Soon—Clothed in Wisdom
  • Session 3 Coming Soon—Adorned in the Breastplate of Righteousness
  • Session 4 Coming Soon—Clothed in Unfading Beauty 




Women’s retreat or seminar focusing on the positional aspect and the practical aspect of being sanctified, or in other words, being set apart for Christ.

Theme verse: 2 Timothy 2:21


Holy of Holies!

Women’s retreat or seminar focusing on our intimacy with Christ. This retreat teaches women how to enter the Holy of Holies and sit in God’s presence. This message was given at Calvary Chapel Oceanside.

Theme verse: Exodus 33:11

  • Session 1 Coming Soon
  • Session 2 Coming Soon


The Great Physician!

Short portion of a message given at Calvary Chapel Murrieta’s Women’s Retreat about the Great Physician who is truly more than enough for any affliction or situation you may be struggling with today.

Theme verse: Mark 5:25-34 and Luke 7:36-50

  • Click here to listen to a 7-minute excerpt. (Oops. Coming soon-sorry!)


Women Who Changed the World!

A four-part Bible study given at Refuge Calvary Chapel’s weekly Women’s Bible Study (Huntington Beach, CA). This study encourages women to think about the impact they are having on those around them. Three of the four audio messages were preserved, the fourth—Women Who Changed the World Through Contentment—was lost, but Cherie still has her notes if you would like her to come and share this message at your church.

Theme Scripture: Luke 7:36-50


Purity Seminars


Truth or Dare!

Purity seminar for teens or young adults, which challenges the person to consider the question: Truth or Dare! How are you living?

Theme verse: Matthew 26:41


Guard Your Heart!

Purity seminar for teens or young adults encouraging and teaching applicable ways to guard our hearts from issues that hurt.

Theme verse: Proverbs 4:23


Discipleship Training


Teens in Crisis!

This is an all day seminar to equip youth workers, leaders, pastors, and parents in how to better minister to hurting teens no matter what the teen is struggling with-rebellion, rage, depression, cutting, anorexia, alcohol, drugs.

Theme verse: 2 Corinthians 1:3-4


Biblically Counseling Youth

Workshop given at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa’s Youth Worker’s Conference 2010—Dwelling Deep.

Theme Verse: Proverbs 14:12 & 16:25

  • Coming Soon


Go in Peace Leadership Training

Go in Peace in a Nutshell


Do you have a heart for discipleship? Do you desire to help those who are hurting but don’t know how? This seminar teaches tangible ways to bring hope to the hurting. Whether you’ve discipled for years or have no prior training in how to minister to those in need. Invite Cherie to come to your church to train your leadership or purchase the Go in Peace Biblical Discipleship Curriculum to learn how.

Theme verse: Luke 7:48-50

  • Session 1 Coming Soon
  • Session 2 Coming Soon
  • Session 3 Coming Soon
  • Session 4 Coming Soon


This message was given in a workshop at Calvary Chapel Murrieta Women’s Retreat. The focus of the message is how to overcome anger.

Theme Verse: Jonah 4:1

  • Coming Soon


Depression: When Life’s Travels Get You Down

Workshop given at Calvary Chapel Murrieta Women’s Retreat 2007 explaining the three causes of depression.

Theme passage: Psalm 38


Fear: Daughters of Sarah

A message, which teaches how to overcome fear. Given at Calvary Chapel Big Bear’s Mother/Daughter Tea.

Theme verse: 1 Peter 3:6

  • Coming Soon


Marriage: Loving You

A message given by Keith & Cherie at Calvary Chapel Temecula Valley’s Couple’s Valentine Dinner.

Theme verse: 1 Corinthians 13:8

  • Coming Soon


Parent or Homeschool Group


How to Teach Purity to Your Kids—Age Toddlers to Teens!

Seminar for parents and homeschool groups in how to teach purity to children whenever the opportunities arise in daily life.

Theme verse: Deuteronomy 11:19

  • Coming Soon

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