Cherie Fresonke
Author. Speaker. Teacher.
Exposing hearts. Transforming Lives. Equipping Saints.

Become All that God Created You to Be
View Cherie’s Collection of Nonfiction Books.
Help Set the Captives Free
Discipleship Tools for Ministry Leaders
Justice for All
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Free E-Book
Your Worth
57 Amazing True Statements About You
Have you struggled with the “self-esteem” yo-yo? Up one day, down the next? Are you searching for a more solid foundation? If so, this free e-book is for you!
See what others are saying:
“It is so refreshing to be reminded who we are in Christ! These eternal truths bring encouragement, hope and joy to our heart, inspiring us to shift our focus away from life’s storms and to turn our eyes to Jesus.”
–Marina, Bulgaria
Featured Book
Clothed in Righteousness
Have you ever wondered why people make such wrong choices in their lives? Have you, yourself, ever struggled with making decisions based upon your feelings and emotions? Do you desire to make wiser choices? If so, this book is for you.
What others are saying about Clothed in Righteousness:
“Recommended for anyone who ever struggles with or doubts the depth of God’s love for His children.”
–Janice Cantore, author
About Cherie Fresonke
Author. Teacher. Speaker.
Exposing hearts. Transforming lives. Equipping saints.
Cherie is an author and international speaker/teacher who has ministered to women and teenagers since 1993. She has been involved in biblical discipleship ministry at various Calvary Chapels for over thirty years.

Do You Want to Learn More?
What better way then at a tea, seminar or retreat!
Cherie Fresonke is an amazing speaker. She has the ability to combine the depth of God’s Word with humor and real-life experience. She has a great grasp of Scripture and shows women how to apply it to their personal life.
–Kelly Bell, Calvary Murrieta

Recent Blog Articles
Need Encouragement? Here’s a Free E-Book?
Your Worth--57 Amazing True Statements About You! Free E-Book (Click on the e-book cover for the link to your free e-book) Do You Need Encouragement? Do you need encouragement to walk victoriously...
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