We recently released a new discipleship tool prepared especially for those of you who have a heart to disciple the hurting.
One of my favorite parts of ministry is teaching leaders to disciple. And many of my students return for additional training. I wondered why? Am I missing some important element in the teaching? But when checking into this, I’m repeatedly told, “We love your stories about discipleship, and you always share different true-life examples. That’s why we return.” This got me thinking about creating a new discipleship tool for you.
Well, this new podcast tool, made especially for you, embraces both of these ideals—training and practicality, which includes lots and lots of the sought-after stories.
So in scrolling through the blogs on my website you will discover that the first seven podcasts Episode 1.1 to 1.7 are now available. They encompass an in-depth training on Session 1 of the Go in Peace Biblical Discipleship Curriculum. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever gone so in-depth in the training of Session 1 before. So if you haven’t already listened in (whether you’re a seasoned discipler with Go in Peace or a want-a-be), click on Episode 1.1 to begin the free training. And then listen to each one in order. They will equip you and give you more confidence in discipling whether you use the Go in Peace Curriculum or not.
Also, while you are at it, feel free to subscribe to my blog. By doing so, you will know when the training for Session 2 becomes available. Matt Laster and I are going to discuss in-depth each consequence listed in Session 2—guilt, shame, avoidance, denial, depression, anxiety, fear, insecurity, nightmares , anniversary reactions, anger, rage, overprotectiveness, controlling and manipulating, unable to forgive self, relationship difficulties, including sabotaging healthy relationships, and self-destructive behaviors such as anorexia and/or bulimia, alcohol and/or drugs, promiscuity and/or homosexuality and even suicidal thoughts and/or attempts. There will even be a few other topics thrown in such as abuse (verbal and physical) because as disciplers we need to know how to address these issues, as well.
Why Matt?
But why did I chose Matt to host these podcasts with me? Well, when I was training him a second time in how to disciple (the first training was six or seven years ago and he wanted to learn more) we started to have the most amazing discussions after each session. I kept thinking we need to record these. I knew so many of you would benefit from these discussions. Matt comes at the issues from a totally different perspective than I do. And he offers great insight. Plus he has a great gift of teaching.
So if you haven’t already done so, subscribe to the podcasts by signing up for my blogs. And feel free to share this with your friends.
More to Come
Plus, we are super excited to release the second series of the Go in Peace Biblical Discipleship Training Podcasts. All will be titled Episode 2 point something—2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and so forth. Which means that all the (episode two point something) podcasts will be teachings from Session 2—Do Not Be Deceived—of the Go in Peace Biblical Discipleship Curriculum.
We look forward to you joining us. Because we put together this discipleship tool for you. Please feel free to write a comment sharing what topics you would like to learn more about concerning discipleship. For example, what is your biggest fear in discipling? Or what keeps you up at night when working with a person? Or what holds you back from discipling? Or even feel free to share your triumphs to encourage others. We look forward to hearing from you.
Go in Peace Leaders Group
Oh, and while you’re at it, if you would like to join a group of Go in Peace Leaders to be more equipped to disciple with Go in Peace, as well as gain encouragement, support and prayer click here. It’s a great tool to help you disciple the hurting.
God bless, Cherie