Cherie Fresonke


Word Weaver Transforming Lives

Expect to be Changed

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Have You Lost Your Identity?

Recently it dawned on me that over the past four years I had lost my identity. Now, I know my identity as a Christian is in Christ. And Christ alone. That didn’t change. But my identity on earth had changed.

Have you ever felt lost? Has life seemed a bit out whack, but you can’t put your finger on it? Then perhaps, you and I have been struggling with the same identity problem.

For me, I was no longer a missionary. And due to living in a strange new land (yes, America can be strange), where I only knew a handful of people, caused my ministry as a speaker and teacher not only slow to a trickle but stop completely for a good three years. Of course, moving back to America in February of 2020 didn’t help much. Who could forget March of that year?

On top of all that, my identity as a wife changed to caregiver for a large portion of that time. (Praise the Lord, my hubby is back to his old self. But it was a long, long, long road with many twists and turns of which God was ever present.)

Yet the most difficult change was being 30-hours-away-by-car from my youngest daughter, son-in-law and 3 grandsons. How could I ever be a part of their lives? 

Life changes. It rarely stays the same.

And when our hats (for lack of better terminology) change, it can throw us into a downward spiral. Why? Because we misplace our true identity with our earthly identity.

Therefore, I need to remember who I am. Who I am in Christ, not who I am in life.

Can you relate?

Although I’ve studied and taught on this subject for years, and am writing an In-Depth Devotional Study Guide on this very topic, I realize it’s time to dig deeper into the truth of who I am in Christ again.

Instead of moping about the changes of my identity on earth, I need to embrace my true identity in Christ. Although I see myself as a wife, mother, grandma, author, speaker, teacher, first and foremost, I am a child of God. That’s never changed. That’s who I am.

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!

–1 John 3:1, niv84

That’s my identity. And it’s your identity as well if you’ve accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. 

So, when I feel lonely or forsaken, I need to remember I am not an orphan (see John 14:18). I have a Father who loves me. Who has never forsaken me. And so do you.

Over the next few blog posts, I plan to dig deeper into the subject of our identity in Christ. In fact, one of my top preforming posts over the years is Four Ways to Teach Christ Esteem to Our Kids.

The enemy is cunning. Remember, your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8, niv84). He entices us to slip away from the truth of who we are in Christ by focusing on who we are in life.

But with two simple changes (life application), we can get back on the right track.

  1. Keep our focus on our true identity of who we are in Christ.
  2. And live that truth. Make decisions today based on the truth of who we are in Christ.

Then everything will fall into place and life won’t seem out of whack anymore.

Are you ready to join me?

I hope on this journey I’ll discover ways to embrace this new season in life, to be a wonderful grandma from afar, and to even become a techie. Just kidding. But maybe at least figure out a little bit of this tech stuff, so I can fulfill my life’s calling via online opportunities. Scary! Yes. But it’s just a new hat, it’s not who I am. Instead, I’m more than a conqueror and can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (But that’s for another post.)

What about you? Have you found yourself sliding away from the truth of who you are in Christ? Have you been focused to intensely on who you are in life?

I hope you’ll join me in this discovery so that together we can become all that God created us to be. And if this post blessed you, feel free to share it with a friend. 

Stay tuned for next month’s post revealing your true identity. Your true identity in Christ.

Talk to you soon, Cherie

P.S. Here’s a peek into my life.

In January my hubby and I traveled to Austin, Texas in our little Roadtrek (camper van) to attend a marketing conference for authors. We had a great time trekking around our beautiful country. We stopped in Franklin and Nashville, Tennessee, Hot Springs, Arkansas, and even enjoyed trekking around Waco, Texas where we shopped the silos.

Are you looking for a speaker for your next event? Have van, will travel. We enjoy traveling for the Lord.



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