Clothed in Righteousness In-Depth Devotional Study Guide
Do you desire to become all that God created you to be? If so, the Clothed in Righteousness In-Depth Devotional Study Guide is for you. Each lesson is broken down into the following sections:
- Preparation—Prepare your heart to hear from God
- Contemplation—Prepare your mind to receive from God
- Exploration—Discover for yourself that God’s Word is true
- Transformation—Allow God’s truth to transform you into the person He created you to be
- Application—Learn how to apply God’s Word to your life in tangible, life-changing ways
- Participation— Discover the answer to why you were given life by discovering your purpose and calling
- Foundation—Discover foundational truths of who you are in Christ based upon God’s Word
- Devotion—Learn how to listen to God’s still small voice
As you partake each lesson, you’ll discover the tools to become all that God created you to be, and best yet, you’ll learn the reason why He gave you life.
This study is excellent for personal growth, or as a group Bible study for women’s ministries and home groups.