God’s Means of Ministry in our Lives
Family Relationships
The Greatest Potential to Watch God Work
Especially among our grandchildren. How do you stay connected with loved ones, especially when lands or seas divides the hearts? How do you build memories that last? And could God be calling you to make drastic changes in your life to be a greater part of your loved one’s life?
A New Thing
We are excited to announce a new chapter in our lives. A chapter not turning away from the old, but enhancing the new. As some of you may remember in February we embarked upon a crazy road trip across the United States with my mom. Many of you followed us on Facebook and tried to guess where we were heading. Some speculated places such as Niagara Falls, the Ark Encounter and various tourist attractions that appeared to be along our route of travel. My brother even thought we kidnapped my mom and said he’d raise whatever ransom we were asking.
To say the least, it was a fun, amazing, snow-free trip across nine states in the middle of winter—from California to the midwest. One person even posted that we must be on a quest. And quest it was. A special quest to be a part of a very important person’s life.
The Quest
As many of you know our daughter, son-in-law and three grandchildren moved to Bulgaria in June. We’re blessed to be a part of our grandsons’ lives on a daily bases. During that time we’ve watched God work in their little lives. They love to follow Dyado (Bulgarian word for grandfather) around the yard and help him work do whatever odd job he is doing—cleaning, gardening, building. And many days, especially the sunny and warm ones, they walk to our house and climb the stairs to see what grandma is up to or to tell me what they learned that day. It’s a wonderful blessing that melts my heart. Especially since, when I promised the Lord to follow Him back to Bulgaria, I thought I would be a Skype grandma and only see my grandchildren a few days a year. It’s a thought which broke my heart.
Well, we have another grandson who lives in the States. One who turns four-years-old in just a few days. We’ve never watched him blow out his birthday candles or seen him rip into Christmas presents. Since June we’ve been praying about this. How can we be a part of his little life and not just see him for one to two weeks a year?
We prayed that perhaps 2019 would be the year we could figure out a way to be in Ohio four months each year. We shared this news with Lindsey, our daughter, and said maybe we could find a place on a river or lake. Before we knew it she shared a link with us of an amazing duplex on the Clear Fork River. We’d just visited her and wondered why we didn’t take time to go and see the place. Maybe because 2019 was a long time coming and we weren’t ready to find a place yet.
God Had Other Plans
To make a long story short, we decided to return to Ohio to see the place. But last minute plane tickets are expensive. So someone suggested, perhaps my crazy sister, why don’t you drive? My mom was game and it was her car we would be putting the miles on. We were already part of the way in Arizona visiting my sister. Plus the weather forecast called for mild weather across the nation. What more encouragement did we need? So off we went and arrived in Butler, Ohio three days later, just in time for our appointment to view the property.
The Property
The place was amazing. The price was great (especially by California standards). And best yet, it was near Lindsey, Justin and our grandson. But, could we make a crazy decision so quickly. After viewing the house we went to pick up Wesley. When we arrived he jumped into my arms, hugged me with all his strength and then leaned back to examine my whole face. (Perhaps to make sure it really was me.) He hugged me again and wouldn’t let go. The moment he did this I thought, We’re buying the river house.

River Retreat Duplex
On almost 2 acres! Three hundred and fifty feet of river front property with lots of trees.
The purchase is now official. Escrow is closed. We kept one of the unit’s renters. Two siblings, one who has lived there for 29 years. This is great since a large portion of the year we will spend in Bulgaria. The place will not be vacant. Plus the rent helps to pay the taxes and insurance on the property. God is good. He’s provided us with an expense-free place (if you don’t count the maintenance) to stay while we spend quality time with our other grandson. Amazing.
The Good News–At Least I Hope it is Good News
The good news for ministry leaders is . . . I’ll be available to teach in the States a few months each year. What joy—to teach in English. Also, the property is perfect for Go in Peace Weekends (well, as soon as we complete some renovations) and day events. So the ministry we currently do in Bulgaria we will be able to continue in the States.
The Funds. Where Do They Come From?
In closing, some of you may wonder (or even worry) where the funds come from. Don’t worry. We do NOT use any ministry money for our personal living expenses, for our plane tickets or for buying property. Keith and I live off of his pension and rental income. For those of you who tithe to our ministry ALL donations go one-hundred percent to our ministry work.

Keith, Lindsey and Wesley climbing down to the beach on the river. It’s amazing. Fishing, Kayaking, Floating. (The photo of the river above is taken from our property as well.) We’ve been told people will pay us to fish for brown trout.
Thank You!
Which brings us to thanks. Thank you for being a part of our ministry through your prayers, encouragement and support. We cannot do the work without you.
Please Share
Feel free to share ways that you stay close to the ones you love. What are some of the ways you build memories? Do any of you need prayer because loved ones are far, far away? This grandma can relate. Blessings to you, Cherie