by Cherie Fresonke | Oct 3, 2019 | Seeds to Disciple By, Seeds to Grow By, Seeds to Harvest By, Seeds to Live By
Two Manifestations of a Deep-Heart-Hurt Have you ever watched someone make wrong choices based on fear and insecurity? Do you want to help them make wiser choices? These two topics are issues we will deal with as biblical disciplers. Many times they are manifestations...
by Cherie Fresonke | Sep 19, 2019 | Seeds to Disciple By, Seeds to Grow By, Seeds to Harvest By, Seeds to Live By
A Manifestation of a Deep-Heart-Hurt. In this podcast we talk about how to get to the root cause of anxiety in a person’s life, and how to help the person be set free. If you want to pre-read the section we are discussing turn to session 2, page 18, number 6...
by Cherie Fresonke | Sep 5, 2019 | Seeds to Disciple By, Seeds to Grow By, Seeds to Harvest By, Seeds to Live By
Depression can be one of the manifestations of a deep-heart-hurt. Do you know someone struggling with depression? Today in this podcast we talk about the three main causes of depression. Grief Physical imbalance Spiritual, or in other words, what is taking...
by Cherie Fresonke | Aug 29, 2019 | Seeds to Disciple By, Seeds to Grow By, Seeds to Harvest By, Seeds to Retreat By
Go in Peace for Men! Really? I have to say I was pretty amazed when I first heard that various men’s groups were popping up around California using the Go in Peace Biblical Discipleship Curriculum. Over the years I had heard from different men that they had gone...