by Cherie Fresonke | Mar 15, 2019 | Seeds to Disciple By, Seeds to Grow By, Seeds to Harvest By, Uncategorized
Do you want to see God work in the lives of those you disciple? That’s the topic of today’s podcast. We will discuss how to help a person come up with a list of spiritual hopes and goals, and how to use this list in a way that will help the person see God...
by Cherie Fresonke | May 18, 2013 | Seeds to Grow By, Seeds to Harvest By
Little Castle Have you ever had a dream, a dream that you believed was from God, but that dream was never fulfilled? Did it break your heart? Worst yet, did that unfulfilled dream cause you to wonder if you even hear God clearly? Some of you may have...
by Cherie Fresonke | Apr 17, 2013 | Seeds to Disciple By, Seeds to Grow By
Following the initial call to disciple, oftentimes, there is a time of waiting—a time that can be frustrating, or a time that can be filled with promise depending upon our focus. We live in a fast pace world and we want everything yesterday. I remember, back in...