Updated & Expanded Edition – 308 Pages, paperback
“About 40 Percent of American Women Have Had Abortions.” —Newsweek.com
With a statistic as high as this, it is likely that you have a friend or relative who has made this tragic choice. Perhaps you have seen this person struggle with depression, anxiety, nightmares, outbursts of anger, over-protectiveness, relationship difficulties and/or self-destructive behaviors (such as anorexia, bulimia, harming self, drugs, alcohol or suicidal thoughts). You may have wanted to help your friend, but you didn’t know what to do or say. Go in Peace will give you the answer.
This resource, which is excellent for personal study and for those who desire to be used by God more powerfully in ministering to people in need, will show you practical ways to apply God’s Word to the hurting person’s life so that she can be set free from the guilt, shame, hurt and pain associated with her decision. Hurt, whether self-inflicted or inflicted by another, can affect us to the depths of our being, and if this hurt is not handled the way God intended, it can keep us in bondage to our past. Although this book was written specifically for the issue of post-abortion, in reality it offers hope and healing for anyone who is hurting. It will show you how to be free from this pain so that you and your loved ones can go in peace!
“This is a powerful book that will change the lives of the men and women who read it. Using her own story and the story of the Sinful Woman in Luke 7 as a foundation, Cherie addresses many of the issues that are brought about by the unconfessed sin in people’s lives—whether that sin is abortion or any other self-destructive behavior. She also provides practical steps to help those caught in such patterns gain freedom and overcome their past. This book will truly help readers to go in peace!” Mark Weising, Senior Managing Editor, Regal Books