The sites of Bulgaria October to December 2013. Sorry we don’t have more time to write more. We head back to the States tomorrow.
A village near the center of Bulgaria. We so love it there!
Keith, Justin our son-in-law, Lindsey our daughter, and Janice her mother-in-law enjoying a duner (gyro) at an outdoor stand.
The theme for our annual women’s retreat was: Salt and Light. We had an amazing time. God is so good!
We always like to have a craft time at the retreat where the ladies make something to remind them of what God was speaking to their hearts. We cannot tell you how many times we have gone to visit a lady (years after she attended a retreat) to see her craft still displayed at her house. It totally blesses our hearts!
Important topic to be taught in Bulgaria to the youth. There are 196 countries in the world today, but according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) the top 8 countries in the world involved in the trafficking of people are: Thailand, China, Nigeria, Albania, Bulgaria, Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine.[i]
It is tradition to have Thanksgiving in Bulgaria. So much fun!
Snow–Sofia is so beautiful after the first snow fall!
Cherie was blessed to teach at Nov Den (New Day) Church in Sofia. The Lord touched so many people’s hearts!!! We were so blessed to be a part of it.
Very interesting place that we found which is for sale. Could it be door number three? Only time will tell.
Thanks for your prayers! God bless, Keith and Cherie
[i] “According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Thailand, China, Nigeria, Albania, Bulgaria, Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine are among the countries that are the greatest sources of trafficked persons. The UNODC cites Thailand, Japan, Israel, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy and the United States as common destination countries of trafficked women and girls.”