Cherie Fresonke


Word Weaver Transforming Lives

Expect to be Changed

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Sofia (Luylin) Bulgaria

Sofia (Luylin) Bulgaria

We are down to our last day here in Sofia. Although much of our trip was business related—meeting with our attorney, accountant and our staff—all of this is needed for the ministry to continue here in Bulgaria. But this business type work causes there to be not much to write home about. The highlights of our trip were fellowshipping with friends—our staff retreat in Stokite, enjoying wonderful meals together, attending a home Bible study group (remember all who attended couple’s retreat June 2014) and sharing at New Day Church last Sunday.


Cherie Teaching

Cherie Teaching

We are still waiting to discover if we will be able to purchase the piece of land near Garbrovo in the center of Bulgaria. We were able to meet with the woman who wants to sell us the land a couple of weeks ago. The court case has been appealed and now we must wait for the court’s decisions, which is scheduled to come near the end of July. We are hoping to return to Bulgaria in October, and Lord willing, we will know if Garbrovo is the area in which God wants us to live.


Our prayer requests are:


  • Pray for a safe trip back to the States and no perfume on the plane
  • Pray for the Lord to open or close the door soon concerning the property near Garbrovo so that we can move forward either way
  • Pray for all our Bulgarian friends—so many needs were shared with us while we were here. So many are hurting and struggling. How we wish we were here longer so that we could minister to all of them more deeply. But we know that God is in control.
  • Pray for Bulgaria—many have shared with us that they are discouraged that although they are now a democratic nation there has not been much change in the last 23 years.
  • Also please pray for the little gypsy girls that we met today–God knows who they are–may they come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior.


First Corinthians 3:9a says

For we are co-workers in God’s service.

Thank you for being a part of this important work. We cannot do the work with you! May God richly bless you.

Still enjoying His grand adventure. Keith & Cherie

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