Cherie Fresonke


Word Weaver Transforming Lives

Expect to be Changed

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Praying to Purchase

Praying to Purchase

Well, here is the latest of what we have been up to while in Bulgaria. As many of you know there is a piece of raw land that we are praying about possibly purchasing near the center of Bulgaria. One of the owners is interested in selling it to us. So the moment we arrived we headed out to that area of Bulgaria to meet with her and to also share at a local youth group in that area.

Both Matt (our son-in-law) and I were blessed to share with the 20ish crowd. We taught about how this life is fleeting and that we only have today and tomorrow to glorify God with our life. We cannot go back and capture the time which we have wasted. It’s gone—along with any rewards that the Lord may have wanted to bless us with. We had an amazing time sharing with the youth.

We also met with the woman concerning the property and were finally able to understand the situation. Many, many years ago the property was owned by a woman who had three daughters. Over the years, this woman, along with her three daughters, passed away and now the property is owned by 10 cousins which make up basically three main families. One of the families was approached by a landshark. This man goes around the area preying upon people to threaten and bully them into selling their property for pennies on the dollar.

Since three families now own the land this man pressure and convinced one of the families to take their case to court to force the other two families to divide the land into thirds knowing that more than likely the other families would refuse which here in Bulgaria would force the property to go to auction. This is exactly what has happened up until this point.

So now the other two families have two options. Either be forced to sell their property for practically nothing or to purchase the property themselves at the auction so that it is not stolen from them.

The woman who has asked us if we want to purchase the land is willing to fight this landshark at the auction, which according to our attorney she will have the final chance to purchase back her property if she is financially able.

She is willing to do this, but only if we are really interested in buying the property. She doesn’t want the property and she doesn’t want to tie up her money in the land that may take her a couple of years to sell at a decent price if we are not interested.  But, on the other hand, she doesn’t want the land to be basically stolen by the landshark.

With all this said, we will give her our answer by next week as to whether we are willing to purchase it. We did see our attorney this week concerning this and she contacted the woman who wants to sell it to us. All of what this woman says is true and is back by court documents.

The best part of all this is: It is in God’s hands. Although it is our desire to purchase the property, there is a great way the Lord can close the door IF it is NOT His will! Therefore, I am reminded of the verse He gave us when He first impressed upon our hearts to start the Truth and Hope Foundation here in Bulgaria.

To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.

—Revelation 3:7-8

We know that it is God who opens and closes doors. Therefore, this is our prayer: If it is God’s will for us to purchase this property for Him to open the door wide open. If it is NOT His will for us to purchase the property that He will slam the door shut!

At this point we are walking forward with the purchase (and actually started the legal paperwork to begin a business since this is how we will hold title in the land) and we will continue to walk forward as long as the door is wide open. This legal process could take many months. So only time will tell.

Thanks for your prayers. Looking forward to your comments.




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