Have you ever been in a spiritual slump? A time when you go to church, read the Word and even take time to pray, yet you don’t feel the Lord’s presence? Do you wonder what’s going on? Do you wonder: Where is God? Do you get discourage and start thinking about sleeping in on Sunday mornings or watching a movie instead of going to mid-week service?
This is a normal part of our walk with Christ. There will be times when we don’t see His hand in our lives or feel His presence. But I have found that these types of times in my life usually follow my slipping and sliding away from God’s perfect will for my life. Somehow, somewhere along the way I made a wrong turn and the further I go down that wrong path the further and further I get away from the Lord.
I was at a point like this recently. A time when, although I was faithful to do my morning devotions, attend church, serve and stay in prayer it was as if God wasn’t speaking as often as He usually speaks to me.
Now if you looked at my life, it looked good on the outside, and it was even filled with good work for Him, yet as I honestly sought Him in prayer and asked Him what was going on within my heart, He was faithful to show me that although I was on a good path for my life He has greater plans for me—a better path, in fact, the best path of all.
It was at this moment when I honestly let go of my good plans and once again said, “Here I am Lord, use me in whatever manner that You see fit” a verse from my morning devotions became real in my life.
Then the Spirit lifted me up and brought me into the inner court, and the glory of the Lord filled the temple. –Ezekiel 43:5
That’s exactly what happened the moment that I repented and let go of my plans for my life. The moment I got my heart in line with His heart, He lifted me up and brought me into the inner court to meet with Him. And the glory of the Lord filled the temple of my heart.
Do you feel far from the Lord lately? Is it possible that you made a wrong turn somewhere along the way? Maybe the turn wasn’t even a bad turn, but simply a wrong turn because God has a better way for you to walk. Is that a possibility? May I encourage you to find a quiet place and take time to sit at His feet and honestly search your heart. Ask Him to show you if you’ve made a wrong turn. He will be faithful to show you where you started walking away from Him. My prayer for you is that you will be willing to listen and admit the truth to yourself. The moment that you do, then Ezekiel 43:5 will become miraculously real in your life. It’s so wonderful and amazing to sit in the inner court and meet with God in the depths of your own heart. What are you waiting for?
I’m looking forward to your comments. Please share with the others (or pin it). There are so many who also need encouragement of how God lovingly redirected your steps and how He filled the temple of your heart with His glory the moment you got back on track.
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