I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies,
it remains only a single seed.
But if it dies, it produces many seeds.
John 12:24
God never intended for us to hoard what He has freely given us. He wants us to take the Seed of Life and sow it in other people’s lives. But this is only done by dying to self! As we grow and mature in Christ we see and learn that we are to die to ourselves. In other words, we are to die to our fleshly desires; we are to die to our selfish wants and our emotions. As we die, we become living sacrifices for God (Romans 12:1). This enables us to reflect God’s glory to everyone around us (1 Corinthians 3:18), which will bear fruit. As a result of our dying to self we are able to sow the seed—the Word of God—to those around us. But it takes dying everyday, moment-by-moment. God calls each of us to go and make disciples. No one who is born of God is exempt from this. To make disciples it takes dying to self as we pour our lives, our love for the Lord and our knowledge of Him into others. Thus we will bear fruit which will produce many seeds. But if we are unwilling to die to self, the seed—the Word of God—in our lives will remain only a single seed. How sad! Instead, be a seed that produces many seeds.
“Lord, help me to die to my fleshly desires and selfish wants and emotions every day—moment-by-moment—so that I can reflect Your glory to everyone around me. May my life be a seed that falls to the ground and dies so that it may produce many seeds. Amen”